Wellness-Screening drivs av Elena Malmefeldt genom företaget Hälsokunskap AB.
Vision: Att genom kunskapsöverföring via screeningar, föreläsningar och utbildningar, motivera och inspirera till positiva livsstilsförändringar och verka för att ökat välmående för kvinnor och män i alla åldersgrupper.
Om oss
Vision: Genom kunskap via screeningar, föreläsningar och utbildningar, motivera och inspirera människor till positiva livsstilsförändringar och verka för att ökat välmående för kvinnor och män i alla åldersgrupper.
Wellness Screening
Vi erbjuder företag verksamma inom friskvård, samt personal verksamma inom hälso- och sjukvården kliniskt utvärderade fysiologiska screening-metoder och utbildning.
Med lång erfarenhet inom fysiologisk screening har vi utvecklat en rad evidens-baserade screening-metoder tillsammans med framgångsrika utvecklare. Vi är bland annat dem enda på marknaden som erbjuder Wellness-Screening för friskvårdare. Vi arbetar också globalt med några av de starkaste varumärkena inom SPA och wellness. Vår förhoppning är att hela hälsomarknaden ska få möjligheten att skapa person-specifika friskvårdsprogram.
Wellness Screening
Elena Malmefeldt
Grundare av Wellness Screening och Hälsokunskap AB
Elena är specialiserad på fysiologiska hälsomätningar samt hälso- och livsstilsscreeningar och konsulteras för konceptutveckling hos friskvårdsföretag både i och utanför Skandinavien.
Tillsammans med ett team av experter har hon bidragit till utvecklingen av de kliniskt validerade screening metoderna: Wellness-Screening & Wellness-Medical-Screening.
Referens från uppdragsgivare – Wellness Screening
Neil Jacobs
Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas.
"I’ve known Elena Malmefeldt for several years when she was introduced as the right person to participate in the creation of our Integrated Wellness platform at Six Senses.It has been a great success and Elena an important part of that. Aside from her warm personality and professional demeanor, Elena has a great knowledge of physiology and wellness and continues to contribute as a participant on the Six Senses Wellness Board. "
Six Senses Wellness Board
Dr. Michael J. Breus, Ph.D
Dr. Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and both a diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and a fellow of The American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
In addition to his private practice for 16 years, Dr. Breus also trains other sleep doctors and consults with major airlines, mattress manufacturers and retailers to provide the optimum sleep experience for their customers.
He is the author of “The Power of When” published September 2016, “The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan, Lose Weight Through Better Sleep,” a frequent guest on the Dr. Oz Show and a clinical advisor to the show.
Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D
Dr. Mehmet Oz
Dr. Mehmet Oz is a professor of Surgery at Colombia University where he performs 50 heart operations a year. He directs the Complementary Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital. His research interests include heart replacement surgery, minimally invasive surgery and health care policy.
He is the seven-time Emmy award-winning host of The Dr. Oz Show, syndicated in over 100 countries. His magazine Dr. Oz THE GOOD LIFE launched in 2014 and ranks in the top 10 of all newsstand sales in the USA. He co-authored six New York Times best sellers including the popular “You: The Owner’s Manual” series as well as “Healing from the Heart.” Esquire magazine has placed him on its list of “75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century.”
Dr. Claudia Aguirre
Neuroscientist, mind-body expert, TEDx speaker and regular TED Ed educator, Dr. Aguirre specializes in the connection between the brain and the skin, consulting internationally in the health and wellness industries.
Her Doctoral work from the University of Southern California was based on hormonal interactions in the aging brain and she continued her post-doctoral studies at Loyola Marymount University, where she completed a certificate course on Yoga, Mindfulness and Social Change.
She is an invited lecturer at Stanford University and continues to publish scientific articles.
Patrick Wahlberg, Nutrition Consultant
Elena Malmfeldt, Wellness Consultant
Elena works on the front line of preventative medicine, crafting concepts and strategies for companies operating in private and public health sectors as well as medical spas, wellness and training centers around the world.
She brings 20 years of experience spanning traditional medicine, nutrition, lifestyle, aromatherapy, environmental science and economics, specializing in a wellness screening which uses advanced technology to measure and analyze key physiological biomarkersof health. With over 6,000 coaching sessions under her belt,
Elena has helped many people improve their lifestyle and health. She has introduced the wellness screening technology and concept to Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas and personally trained all in-house experts.